Hi all,
Sorry dah lama tak update and aku rasa entry ni memang dah basi sebab aku amik paper ni 2-3 tahun lepas kot rasanya.
So aku akan try untuk recall balik apa yang aku buat masa aku prepared for this exam.
F3 (Financial Management)
Mode of study : Self-study
Study materials : Lecture videos from Opentuition.com and revision kit Kaplan and BPP.
Duration : 2-3 months
Exam base : Computer-based-exam (CBE)
Total damage : RM 560
- Tuition fee : RM 0
- Exam fee : RM 560 at Sentral College
Tips for exam : Buat latihan banyak-banyak
F4 (Law)
Mode of study : Self-study
Variant : Global
Reason for choosing global variant instead of Malaysian variant :
- MYS variant kena amik paper-based-exam (PBE), while global pulak guna CBE. Aku prefer CBE sebab boleh dapat result instantly.
- MYS kena pi kelas sebab study material takda kat opentuition. Opentuition.com tu cuma ada utk global and UK
Study materials : Lecture videos from Opentuition.com and revision kit Kaplan
Duration : 2-3 months
Exam base : CBE
Time aku amik exam ni, aku dah pernah kerja sebagai assistant kepada company secretary. FYI, topik dalam F4 global ni consist of 3 parts; international trading, company secretary dgn apa entah satu lagi tak ingat. So experience aku masa kerja dulu sangat membantu aku time aku study paper F4 ni especially part company secretary tu.
Total damage : RM 600 -700
- Tuition fee : RM 0
- Exam fee : RM 600 -700 kot tak ingat dah exact amount berapa, at Sentral College
F5 (Performance Management)
Mode of study : Self-study
Study materials : Lecture videos from Opentuition.com, past year questions and revision kit Kaplan and BPP (tapi revision kit ni aku tak sentuh sangat pun, ada la kot sentuh dalam beberapa soalan, aku fokus lebih kat past year questions je)
Duration : 2-3 months
Exam base : PBE
Total damage : RM 500 - 600
- Tuition fee : RM 0
- Exam fee : RM 500 - 600 kot tak ingat dah exact amount berapa, at Sentral College
Tips for exam : Buat past year banyak-banyak. Aku suka tengok lecture video kat opentuition tu sebab lagi senang faham berbanding baca buku, lagipun John Moffat (lecturer dlm video tu) ajar bagi kita senang faham instead of menghafal.
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Okay that's all for the moment. Untuk papers yang lain aku akan update nanti in shaa Allah. Thank you for reading and I wish you all the very best :)