
Monday 11 May 2015

Interview CAT-ACCA UiTM

Entry ni serious panjang melampau.

Dalam ni aku akan cerita tentang flow interview CAT-ACCA UiTM untuk panggilan kedua aku
- English Test 1 jam
- Maths Test 1 jam
- Interview 10-20 mins (aku akan cerita tentang soalan untuk candidate lain, dan jugak soalan untuk aku)

** Untuk yg nak terus baca pasal soalan interview, boleh skip perenggan banyak-banyak ni and cari sub heading berwarna merah bertajuk Soalan Interview.

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7 May 2015 haritu, aku pergi interview utk program CAT kat UiTM Shah Alam (programme code AC150).

Seperti dalam entry sebelum ni, aku terlepas interview sebenarnya,
So ni adalah panggilan kedua interview bagi kos CAT di UiTM. Kemungkinan sesi kali ni sedikit berbeza daripada sesi pertama.

Aku naik teksi ke UiTM tu dengan adik aku. Nama penuh tempat aku nak interview tu, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah. Nama glemer kat signboard, Bangunan SAAS. Aku sampai dalam pukul 7.45am, walaupun surat kata register pukul 8.30 am. Masa aku sampai tu, orang lain tengah muka nervous, dan diapit kiri kanan oleh mak ayah memasing.


Perasaan nervous aku tak sempat nak sampai lagi, lebih kepada perasaan kebuluran sebab tak sempat breakfast. Nasib baik sempat tapau nasik lemak wakaka.

Masa sampai tu, ada sorang kakak ni tegur and tanya apa benda entah tak ingat dah aku. About lepasan spm mende entah. Aku bagitahu yg aku apply guna result SPM, tapi aku bukan lepasan SPM pon wakaka. So aku cakap la yang lain-lain ni maybe lepasan SPM.

Aku ingat kakak tu sama kategori dgn aku, yakni baru nak apply CAT tapi guna result SPM yg dah berzaman. Tetibe anak dia muncul, tanya aku apply kat mana, website UiTM ke apa, sebab dia kata dia tak apply pun kat website UiTM tapi tetibe dapat surat interview entah dari mana pun dia taktahu. Ada juga dia mention tentang scholarship Peneraju.

Tapi malangnya satu mende pon aku tak paham pasal biasiswa yang dia bagitahu tu.
Isk isk.

Oh ye, lepas aku tahu kakak tu sebenarnye seorang ibu,
terus aku cop dia sebagai seorang makcik, bukan lagi seorang kakak.

Haha sorry makcik, saya taktau makcik ni makcik, muka muda sangat mcm 30-an.
Aku pun lupa nak tanya nama makcik tu apa, so demi memudahkan cerita, kita namakan makcik tu sebagai Makcik Cat dari Penang.

Dalam pukul 8.40 mcm tu kitorang dipanggil untuk masuk dalam hall untuk buat English Test.
English test tu dia kasi 1 jam, nak keluar awal pun takpe tak kisah.

Oh ye, sebelum tu lupa nak bagitau,
utk interview batch kedua ni, ada 117 nama dalam senarai tapi yang datang dalam half je (based on my observation la).

Ada juga aku tanya sorang budak ni, dia memang dapat panggilan interview batch kedua ke?
Mana la tahu kan kot-kot dia sama bangsa dgn aku, jenis budak-terlepas-interview-sebab-tak-semak-kat-website, kahkah.

Tapi rupanya dia kata dia memang dapat panggilan utk pergi interview 7/5/2015, so dia pun pergi jela cambese.

K aku jeke yang terlepas interview ni lepastu dapat second chance utk interview panggilan kedua? ~_~

English Test (8.50am - 9.50am)

Basically dia suruh kita buat essay 250 words.
Sorry aku memang tak ingat langsung the exact soalan.
Yg aku ingat, dia tanya tentang macam mana ACCA ni akan bantu korang dlm role korang sbg akauntan nanti, something like that lah.
Ehyeke? Sorry sangat-sangat aku memang tak ingat.

Lebih kurang je macam soalan essay yg previous years punya (Kalau korang rajin google entry orang lain, mostly akan jumpa yg soalan essay adalah berkenaan role of accountant and ACCA)

So, apa yg aku jawap?

- accountant kena manage pasal company punya finance dan bagi advice
- since I was a science stream student, I really made research about this course before decided to change my study field to accountancy. I used to think that akaun ni kerjanya asyik tatap numbers and calculators je kat corok corner tepi bilik, tapi rupanya bukan. It is actually more than that. Role of accountant adalah utk manage finance company tu and bagi advice tentang apa yg baik and buruk dari segi kewangan company tu, sebab basic calculation and book keeping tu nanti guna advance accounting software je.
- my dad used to say kalau nak masuk bussiness world, make sure kita aim sampai professional cert, not just a degree
- then aku cakap la acca ni world wide, recognisable, anytime anywhere kita boleh kasi kita punya service, professionally trained yada yada yada

Memandangkan aku dah lama sangat tak buat essay english style SPM,
ayat aku memang tak ada rupa akademik langsung,
but instead, rupa macam orang tengah menyembang. 
Hahaha. Lantak, asalkan point yg aku nak cakap tu adalah my honest view about ACCA that I have gathered from my research. I'm just applying back what I have read and gained from my research.

Math Test

Sejam dia kasi masa untuk buat, tapi nak keluar awal pun takpe.

Serious aku cakap, last sekali aku belajar maths adalah masa 4 tahun lepas. Sejak dari 4 tahun lepas, aku hanya gunakan calculator kedai runcit tu je, takde lain dah. Tapi alhamdulillah soalan math dia adalah soalan tambah tolak darab bahagi yg memang simple tahap korek taik gigi.

Kadang tu aku rasa mcm dungu jugak masa test tu,
sebab guna calculator untuk simple addition ~_~

Like, kau dah kenapa 11+13 pon nak guna calculator?! Teruk sangat ke kaviti taik gigi kat otak kau tu?

Tapi ada je soalan seketul tentang standard deviation ke normal distribution entah.
Ada jugak pasal equation of a gradient.
Ada jugak satu soalan suruh factorise.
Simple je factorisation dalam soalan tu, tapi tu lah, aku dah lupa macam mana nak factorise x tu guna calculator wakaka.

Overall, ada 40 soalan simple math and aku dapat 38/40.
Simple math pun takleh dapat full marks, kahkah.

Ohye, bila kau dah submit answer, tak leh 'go back' atau check balik dah. So kalau kau ada careless mistake, mereput la kau dgn careless mistake kau tu.

So gunakan lah calculator sehabis baik walaupun soalannya cuma tanya 1+1

Briefing for Parents
Masa kita tengah busy buat Maths test tu, parents akan diberi briefing oleh UiTM.

Aku kan datang tanpa ibu bapa, and adik aku je teman,
so memang tak laaaa budak tu nak gi dengor briefing tu ~_~

Namun begitu, aku ada juga dapat info sikit-sikit pasal briefing tersebut daripada Makcik Cat tadi masa kitorang tunggu teksi bersama-sama selepas berakhirnya interview.

Menurut beliau, kos CAT ni dipindahkan ke INTEC untuk diprivatekan sebab nak student concentrate untuk paper CAT sahaja. Kalau under UiTM, nanti dorang kena ambik paper-paper lain yang wajib diambil sebagai student UiTM. Tapi, kalau under private centre, just those 9 papers only.

Selain itu (amboi penanda wacana kau), semua student yang menghadiri interview pada hari ini/itu, eligible untuk dapat scholarship Peneraju. (Oh menatang ni la Peneraju yang budak tu cerita kat aku pagi tadi!). Kalau pass semua paper without repeat, dengan markah more than 65%, tak perlu bayar balik sebab jadi biasiswa. Kalau tak, nanti kena bayar balik 20%

Aku tak sure aku boleh apply ke tak sebab aku bukan lepasan SPM 2014 T__________T

Soalan Interview (2.00 - 5.00pm) - In English

So bila dah pukul 1.40pm, aku pun naik tingkat 14 untuk ke bilik interview.

Mengikut bancian yang dikutip dari mulut ke mulut, panel 6 yg bakal interview aku ni, dorang akan tanya soalan sepert berikut:

1) Introduce yourself (Soalan wajib)
2) Family background
3) Kokurikulum
4) Why choose CAT
5) What is accounting
6) What if you failed in CAT? what would you do?
7) Why do you love accounting? Tau la kau minat akaun, tapi apa yg menyebabkan kau minat akaun? cemtu haa
8) How do you see yourself in the next 10 years
9) What does an accountant do?

Bagi menambahkan efek saspen, interviewer tu akan provoke kau and tanya soalan macam..

   "Hang tau dak CAT ni susah??"

   "Cemana hang nak buat kalau hang failed??"

   "Kalau failed lagi cemana?? Haa haaa"

Okay. Tak ada lah bunyi BM Kedah macam tu. Interviewer tu speak in English la of course.

Tak tahu lah kot kot sebenarnye interviewer tu cool je, tapi saja bebudak ni buat gaya macam interviewer tu garang sangat kan. Tapi ada jugak kemungkinan interviewer tu memang nak psycho sikit-sikit. Entah.

Tips untuk taknak nampak cuak bila di-provoke, kau senyum je.
Kalau boleh sepetkan mata, kau sepetkan sikit bagi nampak macam mesra alam.
Automatik nampak macam kau seorang yang kool.
Kool macam sape? Macam aku. Kahkah

Interview orang lain, ada yang 10 min je, and ada yang 20 minit punya lama.
Depends mood interviewer tu nak tanya apa, soalan simple atau soalan provoke.

Untuk panel 6, interviewer ada 4 orang, manakala interviewee hanyalah seorang. Untuk panel lain, Makcik Cat cakap, ada orang dapat masuk 2 orang sekali gus untuk di-interview.

Menurut sumber lain yang boleh dipercayai, panel dari bilik lain hanyalah bertanyakan soalan-soalan senang seperti introduce yourself dan family background, dan juga kokurikulum, pastu dah, habis. 

Yang paling tak boleh blah, ada sorang candidate bagitau cemni,

   "Weh seronok ah interview tadi, best giler!"

Untung laa best -_-

Hm. Maybe Panel 6 ni je kot yang macam semangat membara utk tanya soalan yg betul-betul berilmiyah.

So bila dah sampai turn aku untuk interview, aku merupakan candidate terakhir.


Untuk menagih simpati korang, aku nak bagitau yang interview aku adalah pada pukul 4.45pm.
Dan, dalam surat tulis bagitahu yg interview akan habis pada pukul 5.00pm

Nak lagi kesian? Pintu panel lain semua dah kunci.
Ruang menunggu dah pun kosong serupa bilik berhantu.

Tapi takpe, aku okay.

So aku pun masuk bagi salam senyum pesemua,
Then dia suruh duduk,
and dia pun tanya la how are you cambese,
aku pun jawap 'Greatt, thank youu. How are you doing? :)'

Ha nampak tak nada excited aku tu macam mana?

Aku sebenarnye dah prepare untuk jawap soalan wajib 'introduce yourself'. Aku siap google and youtube kot pasal killing question introduce yourself ni..

..tapi lain pulak jadinya. Aku duduk je terus interviewer tanya soalan ni direct tanpa intro.

"Regarding your application, we are concern about your age and your SPM which was from 2009, can we know what did you do after SPM up until now?"

By the way, soalan lepas-lepas ni, aku akan taip tanpa mengikut turutan sebenar ketika interview.

Why do you wanna take CAT?
- Shortest programme to get ACCA. I've made comparison between diploma, degree and CAT. Since CAT will only take 1 or 1 1/2 yrs while the other 2 will take 3-4 years, I think CAT is the best for me since I don't want to wait for another solid 3-4 years for a degree or diploma. Besides, my dad used to say,"Kakak, if you want to get into bussiness world, aim for the professional certificate, not just a degree"

So does that mean you just wanna take CAT and not ACCA?
- Nope, I'm not going to stop until CAT. I'm going to take ACCA, but my plan is, after CAT, I have 2 options, either full-time ACCA, or part-time ACCA. It will depend on the situation later.

What does an accountant do?
- manage the finance of the company and give advice of what is good and bad for the company's finance

Why did you stop taking microbiology although you still have another one more year to go? Why not try to finish your degree first, at least you can have a degree...?

- I don't want to be a microbiologist. That is not the life that I want. I wanna be an accountant.

Why did you stop taking your degree?
- Actually it was because of my poor academic performance and that's because of a few reasons like study technique and no interest in that course.

How poor was your academic performance?
- I failed a few subjects

So you were saying that you are passionate in accounting, why is that?
- Actually my interest is calculation. There are many study fields that use calculations, like physics, mathematics, computers and accounting. Eventhough I'm good in physics, I don't like the subject, but I'm actually quite good at it. I actually hated biology since I was form 4, and love accounting since I took the subject from the tuition outside the school. I actually started taking accounting a bit late during form 4, but I love it very much.

(Untuk soalan ni, mulut aku memang nak sembur "Money. Because I love money." sebab aku memang nak ambik akaun sebab suka duit pon Tapi aku fikir nanti mesti dia ingat aku ni perempuan durjana drama melayu kaki perampas bercirikan materialistik dan pisau cukur, so aku pun cancel. Tapi bila fikir balik, alasan 'money' tu adalah alasan terbaik yang aku dapat fikir untuk sesiapa yang nak jadi akauntan. Aku pulang dalam keadaan menyesal.)

When did you come back?
I came back last November

So what did you do after coming back since November?
I learn how to sew jubah and dresses.

When did you find out that you're interested in accounting and decided to take accounting? Is is quite recently?
Yes, it's quite recent that I'm very sure and decided that I wanna take this accountancy as my course. I think it was early this year if I'm not mistaken.

(Aku ingat nak cerita pasal aku baca buku Rich Dad Poor Dad, tapi lupa)

What is your father's job?
He works at the bank

Your mother?
She's a housewife.

Are you the first child? Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I'm the first child. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister.

Why did you.......? (Aku tak ingat soalan apa tapi aku jawap macam ni.)
Actually, after my SPM, I'm not quite sure of what course I wanna take, either science or accounting. My dad preferred accounting while my mom preferred science. She said that my characters suit more with science, so that is why I chose science instead of accounting

(Interviewers gelak kot kat aku time tu, takde la gelak banyak, just gelak sikit je lah. Nak buat cane, tipikal budak lepasan SPM memang begitu pemikirannya.)

So how's your family react with your decision?
They are very supportive! My mom used to say that I'm much more suitable with science but now she supports my decision. If I decide by my own, I shall be responsible for my decision, compare to following my parents' decision. If we followed other people's decision, then if something happened, we might not want to take the responsibility and blame it on other people. So if this is my own decision, I will be responsible for everything that happens.

How are you going to finance your study?

Oh, ptptp wont cover the fees for CAT programme.
- Oh really? (Serious muka aku terkejut gila dan tak cover langsung terkejut tu. Kalau boleh sebut 'Biar betik?' memang aku dah sebut dah)

Yes, so how are you going to pay?
- Hm perhaps with my saving because I have my own saving account. I have a little bit of saving so, yeah.

Hmm we do have scholarships. Did you go to the briefing? Ehh ohh yes that one was for the parents. We've informed the info about the scholarship during the briefing.
- My parents didn't come here. I'm coming with my sister and she wasn't there when the briefing was held.

It's okay, you can get the information from the department and maybe from *aku tak ingat siapa tapi dia ada mention nama Mala*

Let say if you have no interest in certain subjects, I mean, there would be a range of subjects tought in CAT, and there will also be certain subjects that will not interest you. How would you overcome that?
- Yes yes of course there would be certain subjects that would give me less interest, but I'll try my best and maybe ask for some tips from my seniors

(Aku ulang sekali lagi, turutan soalan interview adalah bergelimpangan, so sequence dia maybe macam tak masuk akal sikit sebab tak ikut turutan sebenar. Dan kemungkinan juga ada soalan yang aku dah lupa wakaka.) 

That's all for today, thank you very much.

(Then aku tunggu kot kot depa nak tanya 'Do you have any questions?' Tapi since depa tak tanya pun, aku pun dengan selambanya tanya...)

Em can I ask a few questions?
-Yesss yess of course you can.

(dan seriously lepastu aku terus keluarkan notebook aku dari poket utk aku tanya soalan kat dorang. 4 soalan aku tanya to be exact. Sebab tu aku guna notebook sebab aku takut aku lupa. Bila balik rumah pun baru teringat ada lagi beberapa soalan nak tanya T_T)

Soalan Aku untuk Interviewer

1) What is the course structure for the CAT programme? I have visited the website and it says we need to take 9 papers. But I'm just wondering do we need to take any other additional papers as well, like Bahasa Kebangsaan, Komunikasi something like that? Because I couldn't find it on the website. If you have the paper of the list of the course structure right now with you, can I have it? (Tudia dah la panjang kemain soalan, demanding pulak tu nak kertas tu sekarang hahaha)

- I'm not quite sure with the structure, if I'm not mistaken, there will be 1 or 2 MQA papers that you need to take besides CAT papers. I'll email the course structure to you later, and if we forgot to email you, please email us.

Then, aku jawap...

"...Awesome, that would be great!" (Aku siap tunjuk thumbs up lagi. Bukan apa, aku dah terbiasa buat macam tu masa degree dulu. So terlupa lah yg interview ni formal wakaka. Kira okay la aku tak sebut 'cool / sweet' sebagai pengganti perkataan 'okay', gila tak professional kahkah)

2) I've been told that INTEC will take over the management starting this year. So does that mean the lecturer will be from INTEC, or still from UiTM?

The lecturers will be from UiTM, and we also hire new lecturers for the programme, so our plan is we will be moving the UiTM lecturers to INTEC phase by phase, and within 3 years all the lecturers will be completely moved to INTEC.

3) About the fees, I've visited the UiTM website and it says, for semester 1, we need to pay RM 400+ and semester 2 RM 600+ (aku terbalik info masa cakap ni, patutnya sem 1 yang RM 600+)...

- There will be a slight change for the fees as we are moving to INTEC, so the management will be different (Aku tak ingat dah dia cakap apa lagi dah haha)

4) If I got the exemption for CAT paper, I don't have to take the exam, right? But can I take the classes but not taking the exam, because I need to refresh back my memories

- I am not quite sure if you could get the exemption because your SPM was dated from 2009. And I think it's quite recent that they allowed the exemption, maybe since 2011, or....? I'm not quite sure but you can email them yourself and ask.

Ohh okay. Hm if, just in case, if I could get the exemption, can I take the classes without taking the exam?

- Yes, that can be arranged later, don't worry about that

Hmm I guess that's all 
-Okayy. Do you have any other question?

Nope, that's all :) Thank you very much
- Thank you / You're welcome (Tak ingat dorang jawap yg mana satu haha)

Assalamualaikum :)
-Waalaikumussalam :)

Take careeee :D (Menyengih la sikit aku time ni haha)
- Yeaa take careeee

Aku taktau kenapa dorang tak ambik aku punya photocopies yg aku dah bawak. Fail aku yg aku bawak tu memang aku letak atas riba je, dorang tak mintak pon. Ke sebab dorang memang nak reject aku awal-awal lagi so dorang malas nak mintak sijil aku? T_T

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Interview aku maybe berlainan sikit soalan dia, compare dengan candidate lepasan SPM yg lain.
Yelah, budak umur 20 lebih apply sama-sama dengan budak lepasan SPM.

So maybe soalan untuk aku ni advance sikit lah kot.

Tapi tak ada lah lain mana sangat pun, ada je soalan yang sama macam soalan tentang accounting. Harap-harap membantu lah sikit walau tak banyak.

Dapat ke tak dapat, itu belakang cerita, yang penting, I had experience and fun during the interview :)

***extra info***

Aku terserempak dgn Hajah Aluyah, kaunselor INTEC dulu, now dah pindah balik ke UiTM main campus.

Beliau pesan supaya maintainkan cgpa 3.5 ke atas, not below than 3.0.
Menurut beliau lagi, memang aspek activities and akhlak tu penting selain daripada cgpa, tapi beliau cakap, di Malaysia, employers tengok academic performance yang paling atas sekali, dan academic performance tu cgpa lah.
Ada employer yg akan cakap "Sorry your cgpa is below 3.00, we are not going to hire/interview you, you may go back."
Bukan nak meng-down-kan, tapi itu adalah realiti hari ini ketika job interview, bak kata Hajah Aluyah.

Amacam? Cuak tak? Wahaha

Wish you all best of luck, future interviewees.

p/s : Aku ada buat entry di mana aku combine nearly all FAQs yg orang selalu tanya tak kira lah kat email ke komen ke. So aku rasa sangat berbesar hati kalau korang baca entry-entry ni dulu FAQ CAT ACCA (pasal course ni), FAQ CAT ACCA KPTM (pasal KPTM), Tuition Fees Mahal Teruk (pasal fees and kolej/uni apa yg offer course ni). And you may email me if you still have doubt even though you have read these entries beforehand at



  1. So how.. hang dh jdi student cat ke?

    1. Ha'ah. Dah jadi student CAT. Sekarang tengah exam.

    2. im a science student too, haha i wanna take cat, after fail in my scicence subject. its all because i play in my form 6, now i pay the consequences. incase of you getting intec, do you know other place where i can apply cat, just so you know my spm is not a straight a, so getting intec is probably out of luck.

    3. Tak apa, make that mistake as a lesson :)

      You may read on my entry named "Tuition fees mahal teruk". I have included the link of the entry in the last paragraph of this entry. You should have a go and read that, hope you'll get the info that you want there. All the best.

    4. thanks.. for quick reply :)

  2. mcam mna akak apply CAT tuh?? sori sya bru hbis spm 2015 and nk apply CAT n yayasan peneraju but xtaw nk wt cemane..harap mmbantu

    1. CAT ni boleh ambik kat banyak tempat, depends awak nak kat mana. Macam akak dulu, akak apply online kat KPTM KL, dan UiTM (beli pin number under Professional Programme) tapi sekarang yg UiTM ni dah under INTEC. Kalau dapat yg INTEC ni awak eligible utk apply peneraju.

      Utk KPTM, ada Jan and July intake. Utk INTEC, June intake. Kalau nak apply Peneraju, kena apply online kat website dia dan biasanya lepas SPM results boleh la apply. Boleh check kat website dorang bila boleh apply :) And kalau tak silap, kawan akak ada yg apply Peneraju and Peneraju hantar students dia pergi Sunway.

      Lagi satu awak boleh try apply IPB, yg ni under baitulmal.

      All the best! :)

    2. Institut Professional Baitulmal

  3. Haha aku baca blog kau bt aku tergelak. Aku agak kau ni jenis slumber badak kot

  4. SISTERSSS. haha. nak tanya. kalau lepasan diploma. dapat exemption paper berapa yee.. mohon reply. hekhek. and nak masuk intec. macam mana ye. procedure nyaaa. and.. how about the scholarship. ive heard about mypac. what is all about that. can you give me an explanation about mypac. pls reply this to my email. hehe.

    1. Can you email it to me too about mypac qnd all that please ? Thank you so much !

    2. I am not sure what questions do you have in your mind, but anyhow I have dropped an email to you. Cheers.

    3. sis,, email it to me too please :D Thanks in advance, sis :)

    4. Email to mel also sis... i need it

    5. Sis... me too, can u please email me

  5. Hello, I've read your blog entry and it was very helpful. I am planning to apply ACCA programme and was wondering if I can get few exemption papers. I am currently a student of bachelor degree in business management ( entrepreneurship) and now doing my practical training. I took few calculation subjects such as basic accounting, financial management and also personal financing. I also took management subjects such as principle and practice of management, personal development and ethics and also strategic management. Overall I have a basic business management. Can you give me all the details you know about the ACCA programme? Can I do part time instead of full time? and also I am interested to know if I am eligible to apply for scholarship. How about the tuition fees? Please email me at TQ :)

    1. Salam Kak, boleh tak akak email it the details to me as well? Nak tahu jugakkkk :)

    2. Wsalam. You may read on my FAQs (and my other entries as well). Mostly saya dah cerita kat situ pasal CAT and ACCA. Pasal tuition fee pun ada. Email saya pun ada saya tulis kat situ. Please read those entries first, I hope it will clear your doubt :) You may email me if you still have questions after reading the entries :)

  6. Assalamualaikum . Kak , kat comment atas tu akak kata nak apply utk CAT kena beli pjn under Professional Prog kan ? Means pin upu tak boleh lah ?

    1. Yep. dulu masa akak apply, Pin number upu takleh. Beli asing. Kalau tak silap, under professional programme. Tp since uitm takde cat dah sebab dah pindah ke intec, so rasanya kena apply kat intec kot instead of using pin number. maybe kena bayar rm30 kot rasanya utk apply. Cuba check kat website intec.

  7. Hi nak tanya. Uitm dah tak amik cat ke? So means that intec dgn sunway tes je yang amik cat?

    1. UiTM tak ambik CAT dah sbb INTEC take over.

  8. salam sis . may i have ur email address ? pls i've tons of question for you 😂

  9. oh yeah btw pls email me at lolzlala98@ 😊 pls sis . tons of quest 😂😂

  10. oh yeah btw pls email me at lolzlala98@ 😊 pls sis . tons of quest 😂😂

  11. salam sis . may i have ur email address ? pls i've tons of question for you 😂

  12. kalau buat CAT dkt kptm dia ada bagi biasiswa ke atau pinjaman ptptn ?

    1. Tak ada biasiswa. Hanya loan mara. Itu pun taktahu bila bukak loan mara utk next application. PTPTN tak cover CAT.

  13. Hi. Boleh read your email when you free? Thank you in advance.

  14. Hi! Do check your email. Thank you in advance :)

  15. Nama saya rizal..saya mengajar account peringkat acca,a level,form 5 dan sebagainya.kalo berminat contact saya 014 2247459

  16. hi sis,umur sy 21 n baru abis diploma..kes sy sama mcm sy boleh ke apply cat kat intec? ade scholarship ke kalau umur 21 above? tq..

    1. Nak apply tu boleh je apply. Tapi saya tak sure kalau masuk CAT kat INTEC as a private student tu kena interview ke tak. Sbb kalau programme2 lain di INTEC (ausmat, a level, adfp etc), yg mana yg masuk as a private student, boleh je masuk asalkan ada duit sbb INTEC tu swasta. Tp kalau programme CAT/ACCA, saya tak sure sama ada student tu has to be under sponsorship, or s/he can be a private student just like other programmes, or s/he can be a private student but still need to be interviewed by INTEC.

      Scholarship - Ada tu ada, tapi tak sebanyak mcm lepasan spm la. MyPac ada tp tak sure bila lagi next time dia bukak. Haritu sampai 24/3 dia bukak utk CAT, tak sure boleh apply lagi ke tak sekarang sbb saya tgk webpage utk application tu mcm boleh je isi lagi, dok ada ja terbukak form utk isi and apply, tp banner MyPac kata application until 24/3 huhu.

      Peneraju pun ada, awak boleh tanya sama ada boleh tak awak apply CAT as lepasan diploma (or maybe as lepasan SPM 2013?) Then awak cakap la awak punya diploma apa. Dia kata dia boleh sponsor PQ provided that the student has not started the ACCA yet.

      P/s : MyPac tak reply email, twitter dan fb saya. Beberapa kali dah email tp takde reply. Meanwhile, Peneraju reply kat twitter saya (I think Peneraju is more responsive for the time being)

    2. But you can always try and ask MyPac yourself and for their opinion on this matter (Maybe saya punya email je kot dia terlepas pandang huhu)

    3. Try bukak ni . Kalau awak ada diploma in accounting rasanya boleh mohon PPAM kategori B tu. Tak perlu ambil CAT. Terus ACCA. Trylah mohon! Belum tutup lagi tu ^^.

  17. Akak, saya lepasan spm 2015. If saya ambik CAT ni then ACCA after that kita akan dpt sijil yg setaraf dgn apa? degree ke? mohon pencerahan. *maaf saya masih kurang faham hala tuju program ni

    1. Dalam dunia accounting, orang pandang professional certificate. Ada beberapa contoh prof cert; ACCA, CFA, CIMA, ICAEW etc. And, ACCA ni adalah salah satu profesional board utk accounting. So ini bermaksud, orang yg ada ACCA ni kira power lah. Dalam dunia accounting, professional certificate tu lagi hebat dpd degree akaun.

      Kiranya mcm kedudukan taraf professional certificate ni lagi daripada degree.

      Sesiapa yg ada ACCA boleh letak (C.A) kat belakang nama dia (chartered accountant). Kalau doctor, orang letak Dr. Kalau Engineer, IR. Kalau akauntan, CA.

      Tapi orang yg ada degree in accounting tak semestinya adalah chartered accountant.

      Ada banyak cara untuk dapatkan ACCA ni
      1) SPM > CAT > ACCA
      2) SPM > Diploma > ACCA
      3) SPM > Diploma > Degree > ACCA
      4) SPM > A level/Ausmat/IB etc > ACCA
      5) SPM > Matrik > Degree > ACCA
      6) SPM > Matrik > ACCA

      Boleh je kalau taknak ambik ACCA, nak stop sampai degree je. Ikut lah mana2 yg kita nak :)

  18. Akak skrg bljr kat mana?? Under intec??

    1. Akak sekarang self-study. Tak ada rezeki utk masuk intec under cat programme, tapi akak penah masuk kptm selama satu sem :)

    2. Pastu akak sambung mana?

  19. Luckily i found this blog... Can i cry... I'll email you soon or later because i have tons of question to ask you

    1. Haa silakan menangis, nah lap ayaq mata dgn hingus2 tu dgn tissue ni hahaha

  20. saya nak tanya,adakah soalan interview untuk lepasan spm lebih mudah dari soalan interview akak? and whats about the penilaian math and english? macam mana diaorg pilih untuk masuk intec with biasiswa peneraju tu?

    1. Saya ada include-kan soalan interview utk lepasan spm yg saya telahpun tanya kepada para lepasan spm yg telah di-interview bersama-sama saya, kat dlm entry ni. Saya ada tulis soalan2 tu sebelum saya cerita pasal soalan interview saya :) Ada 8 soalan yg saya tulis kat situ.

      So kalau awak rasa soalan2 tu senang, senang la kot :D

      Wallahualam, saya tak tanya pulak kat interviewer tu mcm mana depa tgk english and math test tu huhu, tengok based on grammar ke markah math ke, itu saya tak tahu, lupa nak tanya kat depa.

      Part mcm mana dorang pilih candidate for the scholarship tu, itu saya pun tak sure. Maybe tgk your english and your semangat utk ambik kos ni la kot :)

    2. english test kene above 75 marks. maths test kene above 50 marks

  21. Salam, saya pelajar perubatan tahun 3, 2 year more to go, but saya rasa hilang minat dan terfikir nk tukar course. CAT under UiTM saya boleh mohon ke since sy lepasan spm 2011? then after finish CAT boleh terus masuk program ACCA uitm ke? one more question, about schoolarship mara, saya under tajaan mara, so kalau saya xhabiskan degree medicine ni sy kene bayar full terus ke or dapat penangguhan since you also from other course before right? Thanks ya.

    1. Wsalam. Sekarang dah takde CAT under UiTM sbb INTEC dah take over. Boleh je apply sbb saya pun apply guna SPM 2009.

      Lepas CAT tu ikut suka la kot nak masuk ACCA kat mana pun, ikut preference sendiri (kalau as private student) unless hang under sponsorship.

      Yg pasal mara, hang kena tanya mara sendiri la kot sbb benda2 sponsorship ni ikut budi bicara depa, saya tak pasti. Maybe hang boleh mintak mara sambung sponsor hang utk cat/acca instead of medic.

      Btw kalau hang nak tau, hang boleh guna foundation hang utk masuk ACCA terus, takyah amik CAT pun takpa sbb ACCA allow ja budak yg dah ada foundation utk terus masuk ke acca wlpun hang budak sains. So blh save masa and duit.

  22. salam.. nak tanya.. CAT ada tak wat separuh masa @ pjj.
    sbb sekarang saya telah bekerja. kalau ada berapa lama utk habiskan.

  23. Akak masuk as private ke time interview ni? :0

    1. Isi application as private student (guna website UiTM). Bila briefing masa hari iv, dia kata semua applicants eligible utk dapat Peneraju. Masa interview, dpd cakap2 mulut orang, depa kata ada interviewer dpd Peneraju jugak.

  24. kakak, program Cat-Acca takde lagi ke dkt uitm untuk lepasan spm ? Lagi satu, boleh ke SPM-Matrik-ACCA ?

    1. 1) Tak ada. Dah pindah ke INTEC
      2) Boleh in shaa Allah. Cgpa above 2.50

  25. Kalau masa spm takambil jurusan akaun , then susah nak bila nak ambil CAT ni . sebab takutt takbole bawak :+

  26. Kalau masa spm takambil jurusan akaun , then susah nak bila nak ambil CAT ni . sebab takutt takbole bawak :+

    1. Boleh je, ramai je science stream yang ambik akaun walaupun takde basic. Awal2 je confusing sikit sebab tak biasa dengan accounting punya term. Lama2 okay je, provided that awak rajin :) Don't worry, senang jee haha. Kalau minat and rajin, in shaa Allah boleh score :)

      All the best!

  27. Hye there , I just want to ask a simple question , I am currently studying Accounting in UiTM Kota Kinabalu , maybe insyaAllah after I graduate soon with a Diploma , I'm thinking to further my study in this professional field. So my question is what's the advantages of taking CAT rather than acquiring a Bachelor in Accountancy ??? Maybe you have wider knowledge to explain it so I could plan up my study in the future 😁😁

    1. CAT has the same level with foundation/diploma. Bachelor of accounting is a degree. So they are both not of the same level.

      CAT > ACCA
      Diploma > ACCA
      Diploma > Degree > ACCA

      Therefore, acc degree is better than CAT. But if you want to compare ACCA with acc degree, then ACCA wins.

  28. Salam. Sis nak tnya. dalam invitation sis mula2 tu mmg mention ada interview ke selepas test? Saya ada dpt email invitation tu tp just tulis technical assessment .and assessment pulak dekat lab.

    1. Wsalam. Entry ni tahun lepas punya, tak sama macam awak punya yg kali ni. Email yg awak dapat tulis assessment je kan? So yep awak punya assessment je (english and technical assessment). Interview awak hari yg berasingan, ie kalau awaklepas assessment, nanti dia akan invite awak sekali lagi kat email utk pergi interview pulak.

      Both assessment tu akan dibuat kat computer lab, and jangan lupa bawak earphone utk listening test nanti tau :) All the best

  29. salam..nak tanya..saya spm tahun 2008..graduate bba uitm taun 2013..since grad ni kerja semua nak guna cat or lcci..since saya x ambil account time spm mmg ssh gila2 la nak kerja admin kat company besar..boleh x saya apply cat ni?

    1. Wsalam.

      cat = foundation utk acca.

      Boleh je ambik cat lepas bba, tak salah, tp cat tu foundation level la.

      Spm > cat (or diploma or degree) > acca

      Sebenarnya, nak ambil cat tak perlu requirement apa2 pun, kalau tak pernah ambik spm (dan setaraf) pun boleh ambik cat. Cuma kolej di msia yg menetapkan spm kena at least sekian sekian sekian utk membolehkan budak ambik cat.

      Kalau matlamat awak adalah utk ambik sampai acca, better terus masuk acca menggunakan bba awak tu sbb requirement utk masuk acca is to have a degree/foundation/diploma. Kalau dah ada bba, awak boleh terus masuk acca tanpa ikut pathway cat>acca. Tu kalau aim sampai acca la, kalau nak ambik cat je taknak acca, boleh je.

  30. Salam , saya lepasan matrik , better saya ambik cat atau acca terus ? Please reply this to my email

    1. Wsalam.

      Kalau nak saya reply di email, lain kali terus email saya directly ya dik, tak perlu komen di sini. Email saya ada tulis siap-siap kat ayat laaaaaaaaaaaaast sekali dalam entry ni :')

      ACCA, but takda exemption.

      And, saya dah email ke awak.

  31. Assalamualaikum akak. I'm glad that I found this blog of yours! ��

    Tahun ni saya akan amik spm. Saya rasa lepas spm saya nak sambung dengan kos akauntan ni, and I think that I'd like to go with CAT. Based on what you've said, dia dipindahkan ke INTEC. So dah takda course ni bawah UITM? And untuk lepasan spm, kelayakan tu dia tengok based on apa eh? I'm scared for the interview huhuhu takda confident nak cakap dalam English �� sorry for asking too much. Thank you in advance ♥ May Allah bless you.

    1. Wsalam.

      Setakat sekarang, tak ada. Taktau la kot kot tiba tiba tahun depan dia ubah fikiran and ada kan balik cat/acca under uitm.

      Depends awak masuk kolej/uni apa, and awak apply for sponsorship ke tak. Kalau apply Peneraju, 5A including math and english kot. Kalau guna duit sendiri, 5C pun boleh dah masuk kolej/uni utk ambik CAT :)

      Nak kasi fluent english, kena praktis selalu, in shaa Allah boleh, takda cara lain dah huhu

  32. Bila dah amik CAT ni, ada melibatkan pengiraan math/addmath yang lebih tinggi tak? Aaa cemana eh nak cakap haha memang kira kira pasal akaun je kan? Bcs I hate addmath but I love accs...hehe.

    1. Guna simple math je mcm tambah tolak darab bahagi, paling tinggi pun square and square root ( mcm power of 2, 3, and so on). Takde pun differentiation or integration, maybe ada la kot lecturer mention pasal differentiation/integration, tapi benda tu senanye ada formula, takyah susah2 otak nak differentiate. Maybe akan ada lecturer mention sebab nak tunjuk how the formula is derived. Tu je. Kalau takmau tau pun takpa, bukannya dia tanya pun camana hang dapat formula tu haha. Bila ada formula, tak susah pun, substitute je formula tu dgn figure so dpt la jawapan.

      Ohye ada jugak graph, tapi dont worry senang je, common sense je benda alah tu :)

  33. Nama saya mohamed rizal dan saya berkelulusan acca.Saya teleh mengajar selama 5 tahun dan expert dalam accnt,finance and economics.Kalo berminat sila call saya pada 014-2247459 (Rizal acca).

  34. Salam sis. Saya baru dapat email dari uitm utk pergi interview cat 20/12 ni guna result trial. Just a few days ago slesai interview dari intec. Mmg uitm dan intec asing2 ke?

    1. Wsalam. Asing-asing.
      UiTM is IPTA
      INTEC is swasta

  35. Salam kak,sy akan mendaftar sbg student uitm shah alam utk program cat pd 10 jan 2017.Soalan sy ape pakaian yg dibenarkan utk ke kelas2 biasa sbg seorg lelaki?

    1. Wsalam. Tak pasti la sebab saya bukan student UiTM Shah Alam.

  36. Assalamualaikum... saya baru dpt tawaran masuk INTEC untk program CAT and nak tanya sikit...
    1. Apa peraturan pemakaian untk pergi class
    2. Pengagihan bilik macam mana? Pelajar dh ditetapkan bilik masa pendaftaran ke mcm mana?

    1. Wsalam.

      1) Kawan saya baru masuk, dia cakap, Isnin and jumaat baju kurung. Hari lain baju biasa yg sopan, kalau boleh menutup aurat la bagi yg muslim. Kasut pulak kalau jangan la pakai selipar

      2) Nanti daftar baru dapat bilik. Zaman saya dulu, sapa cepat boleh dpt tingkat bawah, kalau lambat tingkat atas. Tingkat bawah sekali banyak nyamuk. Tingkat 5 pulak air susah nak naik kadang2 tu.

  37. Hi sis.
    I have a few questions for you.
    Do email me 😊

  38. Asslm, nk tnye cat ni skrg mmg semua kt intec atau ada lg kt uitm??mcm mne sy nk mohon cat tu selain daripada mohon biasiswa yayasan peneraju?sy lpsn spm 2016

    1. UiTM baru bukak balik new intake untuk tahun ni. Apply online di website.

    2. Apply online kt website uitm ke maksudnya??atau kene mohon intec gk?

    3. UiTM dan INTEC adalah entiti yg berbeza. Apply kat website UiTM kalau nak apply UiTM. Apply kat website INTEC kalau nak masuk INTEC as private student. Apply kat website Peneraju kalau nak apply sponsorship.

  39. Assalamulaikum kak, utk assesments test CAT tu,yg soaln maths tu ada soalan add maths x n ade soalan berkaitan dgn account x?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Soalan simple maths je. Paling susah pun pasal factorisation and graph yg y = mx + c tu, kot. Tak ingat dah huhu. Yg pasti, differentation integration angle sin cos tan tu tak ada la. Cuba baca entry akak and tengok akak tulis apa pasal contoh soalan maths, rasa mcm ada mention. Tak ada soalan tentang akaun.

  40. Assalamualaikum, during your interview session,did the panels ask you anything about general knowledge and current issues?

  41. Assalam, nk tnya, sekarang ni akak dh masuk ACCA ke? klu dh, masuk under scholarship ke private? n then nk tnya...klu nk sambung ACCA kt uitm, agak2 boleh apply loan MARA x?

    1. 1) Ya

      2) Tak ada scholarship

      3) Sorry tak tahu

  42. salam nak tanya, interview ni mmg kena cakap in english semua ke mcm mana? sbb, saya akan dipanggil interview nanti. cuma tulah kalau pasal cakap english ni saya lemah sikit hmmm takut

  43. Assalam..terima kasih ..Alhamdulillah dpt juga info dr blog adik ni.
    anak aunty lepasan SPM 2016 dah interview utk Peneraju CAT -ACCA intect katanya utk May 2017 intake tp masih blm ada result.
    4th May ni pula ada interview cat acca under UiTM.

    masa briefing dgn intect + peneraju ada mention duration CATnya sethn utk 9 papers. tp klu tgk web Uitm CATnya 3thn..kalau xsilap le..kenapa ye?
    dan klu di Uitm kita kena cari sendiri la fundingnya sendiri kan..

    1. Wsalam. Maybe puan silap tengok kot. Saya ada baca brochure tu, kalau tak silap saya, dia maksudkan kalau masuk ACCA guna CAT, duration utk completekan ACCA ialah 3 tahun.

      Mcm kena cari funding sendiri kalau masuk UiTM. Taktau la kot-kot ada new update yg saya tak aware 😅

  44. Assalamualaikum 😊 Saya nak tumpang tanya fees for CAT at uitm how much ye? Saya dah banyak cari kat internet but still tak jumpa jawapan terima kasih sangat.

    1. Wsalam. Saya rasa awak kena email UiTM directly utk dapatkan maklumat yg lebih terperinci mengenai yuran.

  45. Hehehe and seriously blog akak sangat membantu saya gain new knowledge. Terima kasih ye moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan akak amin 😊

  46. Oh yes before i forget. I do have a question for you. Akak rasa kan kalau dah graduate for ACCA perlu tak nak sambung Master in Accounting? Hehe terima kasih sorry kalau susahkan ��

  47. Assalamualaikum. Umur awak berapa ya masa mohon program ni? Jauh tak dengan tahun SPM awak?

  48. Hi...nak tnya klu saya amik International Business masa degree but I nak amik ACCA, memang kena amik CAT juga ye???

    1. Thanks ya...awak nye blog sangat membantu saya...keep it up...


  49. Wow, absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.
    Thanks For more information visit

  50. Assalamualaikum sis.. I have many question to ask you . Em actually why there's different of cat under uitm and cat under intec ? do email

    1. Wsalam. Both are of different institution, hence different management, so different lecturers and tuition fees.

  51. assalam..sya nk tanya bila boleh mohon program cat ni???sya keliru la sbb kawan sya mohon sblm amik spm..

    1. Wsalam. Kawan awak apply sebelum ambik SPM sebab dia nak enrol utk January intake. Kalau awak apply lepas keluar results SPM, awak akan masuk utk intake seterusnya (June/July maybe?)

  52. Assalamualaikum. Sya nk taya, mcm nk mohon cat?? Bila permohonan cat buka?

    1. Wsalam. Sorry, tak tahu. Awak kena rajin tengok website UiTM. Kalau results SPM dah keluar, dia bukak lah tapi taktau lama mana permohonan tu dibuka. Better lepas dapat results tu, apply within 1 week selepas results keluar

  53. Assalamualaikum..nk tnya bila apply acca as private student tu dia ada letak kena byr processing application fees..soalan sy mcm mana nk byr sbb dia xde letak any details or no.akaun?

    1. Wsalam. Saya pun tak sure. Cuba call intec and tanya macam mana nak bayar

  54. hello, I got slightly worried bila found out yang ptptn tak cover cat, how did you pay your fee then? parents support?

  55. Assalamualaikum kak.kan ada interview untuk masuk uitm sambung cat-acca tu.kalau kita dah interview dan kita lulus interview tu,dia akan letakkan kita kat mana?uitm shah alam atau intec?dan adakah dengan tajaan atau self funding?

    1. Awak mintak uitm, so masuk uitm. Rasanya macam self-sponsored, cuba tanya uitm.

    2. Sekrg awak kat mana ek?dah masuk intec tak?

  56. thank youu sangat sangat harap harap soalan tu membantuuu :)

  57. Hi . so thats mean we will be in swasta la? Bukan betul2 under uitm?

    1. Post ni dah lama. Sekarang uitm dah ada balik rasanya cat and acca ni. Kalau apply uitm, masuk uitm. Kalau apply intec, masuk intec

  58. Akak ambik microbiology dip di uitm ke ? Then further mana ? Asal akak tinggalkan microbe ?

  59. Assalamuakaikum kak, saya dpt interview uitm guna result trial.. Jadi kita interview adalah untuk masuk ke uitm atau untuk biasiswa.. Kalau dpt masuk kena ditanggung atau kita hanya dapat masuk ke uitm to kena guna duit sendiri

  60. Hai... saya nak tanya... for lepasan spm... kalau berminat nk terus ambil CAT then lps tu ACCA..tanpa perlu ambil diploma atau degree accounting... ok ke utk pasaran kerja di Malaysia...?

  61. Salam. I have a bachelor degree in mmathematical sciences. I plan to take ACCA. Based on the degree tht I hv now, may I know, can I proceed to take ACCA or do I need to take CAT first?

    1. Wsalam. Terus ambil acca dan start dari first paper.

  62. Nak tanya laa, apa soalan math yg dia suh kita jawab nanti ye?? Boleh bagi tajuk2 tak? Saya temuduga esok nii harap sgt awak boleh bantu😭😭

  63. Asalamualaikum Akak. Tahun 2021 nanti Saya akan mengambil Perperiksaan SPM. Nak Tanya kalau kita Tak ambik add math tapi Akaun Kita power boleh Tak ambik CAT? Ke dia sama macam foundation lain yang perlukan add math?

    1. Wsalam dik. Boleh ja. Nak ambik cat ni tak wajib pun ambik add math atau akaun masa spm. Yg dia tengok ialah math dan english, bagi score yg tu kalau boleh.

  64. Hi.. sekarang akak dah amik acca ke? ke dah kerja?

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. tgh SPM dan nk survey utk CAT dan tak tahu apa benda ni😂boleh explain pengalaman sikit?

  67. Assalamualaikum Kak.. I have some questions and hope you can answer them for me.

    1. Now dia dah pindahkan balik CAT ke UiTM ke?
    2. How to apply for Peneraju tu? Kalau dah habis CAT dan nak sambung ke ACCA nanti, biasiswa tu disambung automatik or habis dah?
    3. Susah tak CAT and ACCA? How was your life while studying? My senior said kena struggle lebih sikit... tak boleh banyak main mcm org yg ambik diploma/foundation/matrik
    4. What contributed more to acceptance? Interview or exams?
    5. Berapa tuition fee dia? Mahal tak?

    1. Wsalam.

      1) Tak pindahkan balik tp diwujudkan kembali kot rasanya. Intec dan uitm tu dua entiti berbeza kot rasanya, dah tak ingat dah kisah depa ni cemana sbb ni cerita sebelum covid dulu

      2) Website. Depend pada results kot rasanya, kena achieve average 65 baru tak kena stop. Again, ni lama punya info, sekarang taktau cemana sbb dah bertahun dah tinggal info pasal peneraju ni maaf ya dik

      3) Betul la tu senior cakap

      4) acceptance utk apa? Dapat sponsor peneraju ke? Both kot rasanya.

      5) Mahai jugak la tak ingat la dalam range berapa sbb lama sangat dah tinggal. Boleh refer entry lain dlm blog ni utk tengok range tuition fee pada ketika itu

    2. Eh jap. Fee utk cat/acca uitm ke? Tak sure la berapa sbb time tu uitm dah stop cat/acca. Time tu la time tu

  68. Good sharing dear...I believed you has start working by now..Actually, I'm surveying for my daughter as she just finished her exam. From my own view, prefer study at Matrikulasi Selangor for CAT. Then, UiTM for ACCA..

    1. Thank you puan. Matrikulasi selangor ada cat eh? Ingatkan matrikulasi ada foundation akaun under kpm punya instead of cat yg under acca...? Ke sekarang dah berubah, saya pun tak pasti sekarang punya cemana 😅
